On Teh Cute you'll find the best cute animal pictures, cute puppy pictures, adorable kittens and everything full of cuteness.

Mud is fun!

Mud is fun!

Mother elephant and its calf having a blast in some mud.

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Latest cuteness:
  • Cute baby seal posing
  • Slurp contest
  • Bookshelf cat
  • Meow
  • Slurp!
  • Kitten attack
Random cuteness:
  • Book-holding puppy is sleeping
  • Sad pug is sad
  • Dachshund puppies sleeping
  • Dachshund puppy
  • Baby sloth learns to climb
  • French Bulldogs vs. beetle
  • Sleeping Shiba Inu puppies
  • Kitten falls asleep while listening to the ukulele
  • Baby chipmunk sleeping in girl's hair
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